Adobe Photoshop is a generalized software, not specifically intended for textile design. This generalization opens up new possibilities of creating woven cloth, because human assumptions about how woven cloth can and should behave are removed. The weaver is forced to comprehend cloth at all the levels that Photoshop refuses to do, remembering the continuity of warp and weft, experimenting with material and float, and playing with the unsquareness of each woven pixel. 

Of course assumptions are still necessary. The difference is they are more actively chosen rather than systematically vibrating in the background of our passive decisions in the world. The weaver is able to construct assumptions or axioms within the Photoshop framework. 

Below is an in-progress list of recommended assumptions, with their preferences/settings. Pre-selecting these helps limit inevitable mistakes. Occasionally, Photoshop may strangely revert back to one default or another without any notification, just to keep the weaver on their toes. 

1.   The Grid (quick key to turn on/off: ⌘+’)

Because each pixel corresponds to an intersection of two threads, it is helpful to be able to zoom in and see a 1×1 pixel grid to do detailed photo edits. 

2.   Tools:

Each tool has its own settings that appear across the top of the Photoshop window. Generally, “Tolerance” and “Feather” should be set to 0; “Contiguous,” “Anti-Alias,” and “Sample All Layers” should be unchecked; “Opacity” should be 100%.

3.   Pattern Overlay:

This tool can be found at the bottom of the “Layers” menu (render this visible by selecting it in the “Window” menu – this option is only live when the image is using Layers already). In the “Layer Style” pop-up window, uncheck “Link with Layer” and then click “Make default.”
